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Re: Tom Article
+1's for the article and to James for supplementary suggestions. Phil Collins is the reason I started playing drums something like 50 years ago. Back in the 70's I used to get the Genesis newsletter in New Mexico all the way from Jolly Old England. I still listen to Nursery Crime and Foxtrot ...
- Forum: Mixing | Mastering | Post Production Topic: Tom Article Replies: 9 Views: 353
- Forum: SOS Support Forum Topic: Forum bumping old posts at random. Replies: 25 Views: 603
Re: All I should not have wanted for Christmas was......
I have the Office suite for Mac and for Excel, it's not hlf the program imo. Can't say for Word but I will try Libre Office, thanks!
- Forum: Windows Music Topic: All I should not have wanted for Christmas was...... Replies: 33 Views: 1098
Re: All I should not have wanted for Christmas was......
It's a bit odd to me how much tolerance we have for abuse. MS has been for years a completely unreliable "partner." The Windows OS since Vista has been porting data out to various and sundry unknown end users of your activities including State Services as MI6 and the US IC. It is rife with backdoors ...
- Forum: Windows Music Topic: All I should not have wanted for Christmas was...... Replies: 33 Views: 1098
Re: All I should not have wanted for Christmas was......
I feel your pain. Microsoft is a global criminal cabal as far as I'm concerned. They see you as a bacteria in an experiment and give zeros F**ks about your experience or needs which is my I went Mac ten years ago. Still a pain since every software developer in the world thinks he's a rigger, I mean ...
- Forum: Windows Music Topic: All I should not have wanted for Christmas was...... Replies: 33 Views: 1098
Re: New Mac has only TB4 connections
Just get an Apple Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) to Thunderbolt 2 Adapter. I have a brand new Mac mini M2Pro with TB4 outs and use this device for my Focusrtie 8PreX which is TB2. Works great, latency is ~4ms but there ...
- Forum: Mac Music Topic: New Mac has only TB4 connections Replies: 10 Views: 603
Re: Am I kidding myself trying to get classical recording work?
You may also check in with any music programs at universities or conservatories within walkabout distance.
- Forum: Music Business Topic: Am I kidding myself trying to get classical recording work? Replies: 21 Views: 831
Re: All Purpose EQ for Home Setup
The Drawmer 1974 is a solid, affordable rack mounted four band parametric EQ with high and low cut filters if you like to turn real knobs or, god forbid! commit to a sound going in. Terribly unfashionable in some quarters I'm told though I fear I'm not a member of that club

- Forum: Recording: Gear + Techniques Topic: All Purpose EQ for Home Setup Replies: 23 Views: 881
Re: Gibson J45 intonation problem (solved?)
I think of the guitar as a mechanical device with some properties having greater impact on playability than others. Being made of wood, guitars can be incredibly unreliable devices! Intonation as you know is a function of string length. With regard to changes over time, this is normal and expected ...
- Forum: Guitar Technology Topic: Gibson J45 intonation problem (solved?) Replies: 28 Views: 1184
Re: TuneCore's AI & Data Protection Program
"may decide" appears to give comfort that they will defend your honor should the huns choose to defile also means "may decide not to"
Weasel's use weasel words.
Weasel's use weasel words.
- Forum: Music Business Topic: TuneCore's AI & Data Protection Program Replies: 8 Views: 443
Re: 3000 Fake Gibsons Seized at US Border
An estimated $6k per guitar when the most popular Gibsons go for $2k...Surely that says something unflattering about people who buy over-priced "signature" model guitars. Although, if Trump really did endorse a guitar - rather than that also being counterfeit - I would value that more highly than ...
- Forum: Guitar Technology Topic: 3000 Fake Gibsons Seized at US Border Replies: 19 Views: 1037
Re: A cautionary tale?
When I was an auditor we frequently dealt with malware, viruses, ransomware etc on thumb drives. Yes, I was an IT auditor for many years. I have a very clear understanding of IT and nefarious schemers. I know it's a buzz kill to say it, but you should assume your tech is compromised, no matter how ...
- Forum: Windows Music Topic: A cautionary tale? Replies: 12 Views: 654
Re: I'm not sure I'm getting the point of some new products
I'm very attracted to the Model 2400 as I continue to seek escape from the increasingly AI* disappointing world of DAWs. I applaud Matt's defense (and the excellent review). I've invested nearly $100k USD over the last ten years in a nice production environment that I spent far too much time nursing ...
- Forum: Recording: Gear + Techniques Topic: I'm not sure I'm getting the point of some new products Replies: 60 Views: 2188
Re: Clean solo guitar sounds characterless, how to improve?
It's hard to answer with the guitar isolated. The lines he's playing are pretty enough. It'd be helpful to hear a mix so we can judge it in context. Maybe something else is masking it.
I got the files to play by advancing them about halfway through the clip and waiting for google to load...
I got the files to play by advancing them about halfway through the clip and waiting for google to load...
- Forum: Recording: Gear + Techniques Topic: Clean solo guitar sounds characterless, how to improve? Replies: 46 Views: 1042
- Forum: Self-Promotion Topic: She's Nobody's Hobby Replies: 22 Views: 309
Re: She's Nobody's Hobby
Weel, as someone who knows nothing about what pedos think - nor do I care - this is a cool track. We should either kill them or ignore them, preferably both...pedos that is. Very complicated percussion to my ears...sounded like two different, competing elements. I initially like it but will have to ...
- Forum: Self-Promotion Topic: She's Nobody's Hobby Replies: 22 Views: 309
- Forum: New Products + Industry News Topic: Revox B77 MK111 Replies: 33 Views: 1077
Re: Universal Audio OX - Any users
An alternative you might consider is the Rivera Rock Crusher. Slightly lower price, no digital elements to it but a damn fine piece of gear I use nearly every day to control my Deluxe Reverb volume from max to silent. Very clean DI.
- Forum: Guitar Technology Topic: Universal Audio OX - Any users Replies: 6 Views: 482
Re: Bad Gateway
Gee, it's a good thing there's no end to progress. :headbang: Very glad to know you've got a name for the problem. It's been a minor trauma to get 502 Bad Gateway errors and I'm glad to be back - even if you're not excited to see me :-P At first I thought it was the Democrats. Then I thought maybe ...
- Forum: SOS Support Forum Topic: Bad Gateway Replies: 104 Views: 2075
Re: James' Studio Build 2024
Thanks! I'll look up the World Radio History site 

- Forum: DIY Electronics + Studio Design Topic: James' Studio Build 2024 Replies: 271 Views: 9469
Re: James' Studio Build 2024
If you need a tool once, chances are you'll need that tool twice...the panel lift is essential so rarely, but so incredibly useful when it's time. Forgive me if this has been addressed earlier - I haven't been able to read the entire thread. I'm curious to know - what resources have you relied on to ...
- Forum: DIY Electronics + Studio Design Topic: James' Studio Build 2024 Replies: 271 Views: 9469
Re: Wiring Of Live / Drum / Control Rooms
do not run 12/2! run 12/3 for receptacles (code). Also, since you obviously (no offense) don't know what you are doing re: electrical, talk to a pro. I'm US based and currently own a construction company. I have decades experience in building. You can PM for stateside advice (unbinding) *edit* I had ...
- Forum: DIY Electronics + Studio Design Topic: Wiring Of Live / Drum / Control Rooms Replies: 12 Views: 582
Re: Gear stored in a van and humidity
During the 8 or so years of touring I did, we always left our gear in the van. The van had more trouble than the gear. In fact we never had a humidity issue. Theft is a far bigger concern imo and I suggest you stow the gear so that instruments are in easy reach and keep them in cotrolled indoor ...
- Forum: Live Sound | Performance Topic: Gear stored in a van and humidity Replies: 7 Views: 319
Re: Border of Love
Great tune, great production, astounding dance moves but best of all is the killer vox harmony arrangment. whew! Nice work. *edit* and the wee Mariachi's! - this is what keeps me optimistic. Music is the original commons, the natural birth right and privilege of us all. Death* to royalties and glory ...
- Forum: Self-Promotion Topic: Border of Love Replies: 17 Views: 639