I needed to trim a little off the width of the nut, so I did. And then I applied a couple of tiny dots of glue to the bottom of the nut, put it in place with the strings on, and left it to dry.
The nut is never permanently glued in place, just enough to stop it slipping and sliding and dropping off when you take the strings off. A neatly applied tap with a hammer will ease it off if needed.
Then I watched the cricket and a vintage England batting collapse just as I was settling in for a commanding 2nd innings lead.
Then it didn't take long to file the nut slots to final depth, take the saddle down to final height, shape the top of the saddle, polish it nicely, remove the excess from the nut and polish that too.
And now it's looking and feeling good. I'm leaving it overnight for the strings to settle, but basically it's all done. The action is satisfactory, but I might take the nut slots a little lower tomorrow.
I've tried out a few chords and all sounds good. But, as always with nylon strings, it takes a while for the tuning to settle. And yes, it needs a truss rod cover. But I am always lazy when it comes to putting them on my own instruments. I'll get around to it sooner or later
But, essentially, this one is now finished !!!!