the latest Behringer-gate

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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by The Elf »

Eddy Deegan wrote:Also I'm intrigued by the presence of multiple filter types in the Berry.

Mine is the full-size Korg re-issue, so I have the filter type switch. That really is a genuinely inspirational feature, so it's great to see it cheekily make its way to the Berry version. The 12dB filter option is particularly good.
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Wonks »

DGL. wrote:Yes it has all filter types, also according to the review it sounds more authentic tyan the KORG clone.

If Gordon Reid said the KARP sounds like an Odyssey in his review then after all his comparative testing, I'd take that to mean that it does sound just like an Odyssey. My German isn't good enough to read the article, so I don't know how it was tested, but I suggest any differences between the sounds of the KARP and the Behringer are probably no more than the differences between two original models would be with component tolerances.

If the Behringer has stuck to the adjustment limits of the original Odyssey, then you may get a sound closer to that of the original Odyssey by putting the controls in the same positions, but the slightly wider adjustment range of the KARP compared to the original doesn't mean that you can't get the same sounds out of it.

But if the Behringer is as good as it appears to be, then my KARP will probably be replaced, as the full-sized keys do make a difference and I won't need to use another keyboard to drive it. If only Korg had built the KARP with full-sized keys to start with (and not just in the later limited edition version)!

But Behringer still spoil things somewhat by using a wall-wart PSU.
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Sam Spoons »

Wonks wrote: But Behringer still spoil things somewhat by using a wall-wart PSU.

It's the price you pay for the price though :blush:
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Wonks »

It is. It's really (in my opinion) all to do with CE marking and EMC regs. Before they came in, almost everything substantial had a mains-fed internal PSU. Then it became easier to test and certify the PSU and equipment separately, (which didn't guarantee any better EMC results when combined) but made things easier to engineer and guarantee passing the EMC tests, so we generally now end up with wall warts, when it wouldn't cost any more to bring mains into the units.

The regs were a good idea (because we don't want equipment interfering with other kit) but very poorly implemented.
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by The Elf »

The Karp (at least mine) sounds as identical to an original white-face Odyssey as another original white-face Odyssey. I know this, because I've had originals and Karp side by side for a couple of months and fooled around with them to see for myself. It's not something that troubles me greatly, though it was of academic interest. :)

BTW I had my Karp FS modified to have that damned external PSU fitted inside the case and a Euro power socket fitted. This will be done to any of my synths that allow for the mod!
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Dave B »

NB: All kArp Oddys have the 3 filter types - mini, module and full size.

I have half a mind to pick up another to go with the mini that I have. In that case, I think it will be the kArp module. No slight against the Berry, but then I'm happy with the kArps.

If the 2600 does come out, then I might be tempted...
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by johnny h »

Sam Spoons wrote:
Wonks wrote: But Behringer still spoil things somewhat by using a wall-wart PSU.

It's the price you pay for the price though :blush:

Even the rereleased Minimoog uses an external PSU.

It's annoying but I don't think things will change anytime soon. If you have an internal power supply you need to go through far more stringent safety tests, which are costly and time consuming.
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Sam Spoons wrote: It's the price you pay for the price though :blush:

Can't believe you didn't go with "It's the price you pay for the price you pay." I know it's actually slightly less clear but it's practically poetry! ;)
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Sam Spoons »

You know me so well :D ........ Anyway I nearly did , with an '....err....' before the final 'you pay' but decided short and simple was the way to go.....
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Drew Stephenson »

And I'm sure less pedantic readers (and those in more of a hurry) thank you accordingly. :)
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Sam Spoons »

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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by ConcertinaChap »

Love the way threads here can veer from deep technical discussion to consideration of the soul of the creative process in but a moment. Inspirational!

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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Sam Spoons »

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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Folderol »

ConcertinaChap wrote:Love the way threads here can veer from deep technical discussion to consideration of the soul of the creative process in but a moment. Inspirational!


... but the other 95% is perspirational :tongue:
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Sam Spoons »

Very perspicacious of you Foldy
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by DGL. »

MS101 is now in pre-production where they make 50 units to find any problems before they go into full production.
The slight delays have been due to the factory running at near full capacity and basically not having any time to fit in the production of new products.
Looking at tyhe picture that uli has posted they look good and accordimg to one of the beta testers it's as near as the same size as the original.
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by muzines »


Personally, I've never understood why people love them quite so much, but whatever floats yer musical boat, and all..!
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by BigRedX »

desmond wrote:Personally, I've never understood why people love them quite so much, but whatever floats yer musical boat, and all..!

Nostalgia. They were relatively cheap at the time so lots of synth players had one - myself included. Of course nearly all of us wanted something with two oscillators and two envelope generators, but a synth with those features cost considerably more.

Also if you wanted to use it as a "keytar" the next cheapest alternative was the Casio CZ101 which had mini keys and no modulation grip. After that you were probably looking at a Yamaha KX5 plus a MIDI synth for it to drive...
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by The Elf »

desmond wrote:Personally, I've never understood why people love them quite so much, but whatever floats yer musical boat, and all..!

+1 This isn't one I'll be chasing.
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by Dave B »

I quite like the 101. This is probably a bit of nostalgia - it was my first synth - but it also slots into tracks quite nicely. Yes, we all lusted after things with more oscillators, but quite a few of us regretted parting with the simpler, fun one. I can see a space for that sound in my collection - not sure if it would be this or a System-1m. Will have to see.
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by nathanscribe »

As much as I'm looking forward to their 808, I think I'd rather have the Roland Boutique for this one. That bender looks like it will glow, and when Behringer light things up, they do so with LEDs that could attract an alien craft from the other side of the Kuiper Belt.
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by DGL. »

Another addition Behringer/music have just been on a little trip to bath where an auction recently took place.

From Uli
Here is the rest of the 40 year old iconic products which we bought from the "Tears fro Fears" auction.
PPG Wave 2.2, EMU Emulator II, Prophet 5, Hammond C3 with 2 Leslies plus 2 LinnDrums.
Right now we're bringing them to our Kidderminster Care center so we can give them a lot of love so they'll shine again.
Our people are super excited and they can't wait to fire them up. We'll keep you posted.
There is also an eventide ultra harmonizer and shock! A DX1!
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by muzines »

And they also bought their DX1, too (which is incidentally what I'm hoping for for Christmas this year, so...). 8-)



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From the craigslist post:

Shout Shout Let it all out
These are the things I can do without…
A DX1, PPG Wave, Emulator II, Prophet 5, Hammond C3, and 2 LinnDrums.
Come on. I’m talking to you. Come on.
Call between 2 and 4 please. Ask for Roland or Curt.
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Re: the latest Behringer-gate

Post by The Elf »

Watch this space.

That is all... ;):angel:
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