Eviola project

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Re: Eviola project

Post by Martin Walker »

BJG145 wrote: Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:49 pm This morning I've been messing around using a Genki Wave MIDI ring to add vibrato to the Eviola.

You may be interested in this video of the Nova Twins, who use a lot of MIDI ring techniques - they introduce it at this point:


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Re: Eviola project

Post by BJG145 »

...ah, that's a Hot Hand, now discontinued.

The other option was the Enhancia Neova, also recently discontinued; Roland picked it up, and then dropped it. I think that leaves the Genki as the only current option. It's not perfect, but it's not bad.
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Re: Eviola project

Post by BJG145 »

I recently sent the Eviola back to Wales for an upgrade, asking John Dingley if he could replace the buttons with capacitive-touch sensors. As usual, he did a brilliant job of it, 3D-printing a replacement bow handle with new wiring and programming. He also added a fourth touch sensor on top of the bow which I'm using to control vibrato.




I've been practising The Swan by Saint-Saëns. Still need to work on this some more, but it's getting there. Here's this morning's practice.

The Swan - Eviola (Soundcloud)

I'm lucky that he still makes time to work on experimental projects like this. A few years ago I picked up one of his early prototypes for a MIDI hurdy-gurdy, and this has since developed into a flourishing business.


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Re: Eviola project

Post by resistorman »

Wow, great :clap:
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Re: Eviola project

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Sounds like progress is being made. :thumbup:
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Re: Eviola project

Post by Martin Walker »

Indeed, and you're lucky to be able to get one-off upgrades! :thumbup:
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Re: Eviola project

Post by BJG145 »

Finally, some decent weather...and a proper demo, recorded yesterday via MIDI by the riverbank. (Flipping uncomfortable sitting on the branch.)


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Re: Eviola project

Post by BWC »

:clap::clap: Nice!
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Re: Eviola project

Post by Martin Walker »

Agreed - bravo Ben! :clap::clap::clap:
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Re: Eviola project

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Good work :thumbup:
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Re: Eviola project

Post by ManFromGlass »

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