Midas M32R - using AES50 for internal (aux) routing

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Midas M32R - using AES50 for internal (aux) routing

Post by ore_terra »


I want to set a parallel compression bus in my Midas M32R using the aux inputs and outputs. my set up is going to be just the Midas as interface, sending post fader to the laptop. I do not use any AES50 stage box.

the aux ins can be set as the "local" ins 1 to 6, but if I go that way I'll have to change what I have in inputs 1 to 6 in my current template, and I dont feel like doing it to be honest.

I thought about using the AES50 routing options so I don't have to change anything in channels 1 to 16:

1. routing 2 mixbusses to aux outs 1 and 2, and to the compressor
2. back from the compressor to aux ins 1 and 2
3. route aux ins as AES50 1 to 6
4. assign AES50 1 to 8 to local 17 to 24

if it works I would have my parallel comp returns in channels 17 and 18 in my laptop.

anyone has tried something like this? I'm already "cheating" the mixer using P16 outs to send post fader to the laptop. I'm just wondering if it will work with the AES50's
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Re: Midas M32R - using AES50 for internal (aux) routing

Post by Dan LB »

Parallel compression can be done within the console itself quite easily but I'm presuming you want to use a stereo outboard compressor, yes?

I've not used the M32 and it's been a while since I've used a Behringer X32, but the following should all hold true for the Midas too as they are the same console on the inside.

The hardware 'aux' inputs can be routed to any input channel just like any other hardware input. They are line level inputs with no phantom power and only give you a digital trim to set levels but otherwise they behave like all of the other hardware inputs.
For example you could have channel 1 fed by XLR input 1, channel 2 fed by XLR input 13, channel 3 fed by Aux input 5 and so on. That's the beauty of digital patching!

On any given channel, go to the config tab and select what source you want that channel to be fed by.

So pick 2 bus sends (e.g. aux 1&2) to use to send from each channel to the compressor. Stereo link those sends if you like (if you do want to link them they'll have to be consecutive odd /even numbers like 1&2 or 3&4 etc - you can't link aux 1 with 3 for example, or 4 with 5).

Assign those sends to two hardware outputs (I think you're planning on using 'Aux 1 & 2')

Plug these hardware outputs into your compressor of choice.

Take the outputs of the compressor and plug them into, say the hardware 'Aux 1& 2' inputs.

Assign those hardware input to two channel paths, say 17 & 18.

Send whatever channels you want to the compressor via aux sends 1 & 2 and your parallel feed will appear on channel paths 17 & 18.

The AES50 interface doesn't work in the way you are thinking of using it.

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Re: Midas M32R - using AES50 for internal (aux) routing

Post by ore_terra »

Bloody hell... I’m stupid indeed :lol:

I thought you could only assign from the routing section... didn’t realize (or didnt read the instruction deeply enough) in what you say


Now I love my mixer even more :lol::lol:
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Re: Midas M32R - using AES50 for internal (aux) routing

Post by Sam Spoons »

Yup, it's one of the X/M32 ranges best features IMHO :thumbup:
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Re: Midas M32R - using AES50 for internal (aux) routing

Post by ore_terra »

Suddenly life makes sense :lol:
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