Warm Audio WA12 mkii Issues

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Warm Audio WA12 mkii Issues

Post by jimh76 »

Hi, I have a wa12 and started to have the following issue:

When I connected a mic through the phantom power the level was really low. This was with the Tone button out. If I added the tone button, the level was back up.

I went online to see if there was something I could do and someone else had had this problem, phoned warm audio and been told to reseat the connectors inside. I did this and it solved the problem. Great.

Unfortunately, this happens about every 2-3 months and I keep having to remove from the rack, open it up, reseat the connectors and then reinstall in the rack.

The last couple of times I have used maplin contact cleaner on the connectors, but it still only lasts a couple of months.

Any thoughts for a permanent fix? Would a more well known contact cleaner work better?

Any help appreciated


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Re: Warm Audio WA12 mkii Issues

Post by jimh76 »

By the way, I know pressing the tone button increases the gain by 6db, but when it's not working properly, the gain is increased by about loads by pressing the tone (from almost no signal to about -3 db), when it is working properly the gain only increases by what you would expect it too (ie only slightly)

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Re: Warm Audio WA12 mkii Issues

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

jimh76 wrote:Any thoughts for a permanent fix?

Send it back as not fit for purpose... or replace the connectors with soldered wires.

You're not the first person I've heard complaining about reliability issues with Warm Audio equipment, unfortunately.
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Re: Warm Audio WA12 mkii Issues

Post by jimh76 »

Cheers hugh, but I bought it second hand last year, so can't do that.

Soldering leads is about as far as I go with soldering, so may be a bit too big of a job for me.

Would good contact cleaner work?
Posts: 102 Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:29 am

Re: Warm Audio WA12 mkii Issues

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

jimh76 wrote:Would good contact cleaner work?

I doubt it. Sounds like a naff connector choice and repeating oxidsation of contacts.

It shouldn't be that difficult a job for a decent tech to remove the connectors and solder wires instead, or even solder across the connectors, depending on what they actually are. Not a job for a novice, certainly, but not that challenging for someone used to detailed electronics work.
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