North south divide

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North south divide

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Sadly it seems again that subscriptions haven't made it all the way up to the great white north - or the local postie has decided to pilfer my copy.

Can someone remind me of the subscription email please (or where to find it - I think I'm having a senior moment)?
Thank you
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Re: North south divide

Post by muzines »

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Re: North south divide

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Thank you again Desmond :)
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Re: North south divide

Post by James Perrett »

If it is any consolation, my copy hasn't found its way here either. I'm just putting it down to the slightly erratic post as it was a bit late last month too.
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Re: North south divide

Post by zenguitar »

Still awaiting my copy here in damp Devon too. My bet is that the latest lockdown has impacted the distribution chain.

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Re: North south divide

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

You're not alone -- mine hasn't arrived yet either, and I'm in the middle of the country!

But the PDF download is good, if not quite as convenient!

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Hugh Robjohns
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Re: North south divide

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Ah, it looks like I'm not as special as I thought I was...
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Re: North south divide

Post by Martin Walker »

Mine hasn't arrived yet either, and you couldn't get much further south (west) than me ;)

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Re: North south divide

Post by shufflebeat »

Hugh Robjohns wrote: But the PDF download is good, if not quite as convenient!


Yeah, not quite so "convenient" when one throws one's copy against the wall in a fit of righteous outrage over a budget vocal mic shootout.

iPads do not grow on trees.


Also, not so good for wasps.
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Re: North south divide

Post by CS70 »

shufflebeat wrote: Yeah, not quite so "convenient" when one throws one's copy against the wall in a fit of righteous outrage over a budget vocal mic shootout.

iPads do not grow on trees.


Also, not so good for wasps.

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Re: North south divide

Post by Martin Walker »

shufflebeat wrote:
Hugh Robjohns wrote: But the PDF download is good, if not quite as convenient!


Yeah, not quite so "convenient" when one throws one's copy against the wall in a fit of righteous outrage over a budget vocal mic shootout.

iPads do not grow on trees.


Also, not so good for wasps.

And there I was thinking that SOS magazine was for swots, not swats ;)

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Re: North south divide

Post by zenguitar »

Martin Walker wrote: And there I was thinking that SOS magazine was for swots, not swats ;)


There speaks a Northerner. :lol:

Andy :beamup:
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Is it about a bicycle?

Re: North south divide

Post by brucie »

Another northern copy has not arrived here either :(
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Re: North south divide

Post by Andy Cobley »

It's AWOL in Scotland as well. It's so unusually late I had to check my subscription was still active.
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Re: North south divide

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Yep, still no dice here. Wonder what's going on at the royal mail.
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Re: North south divide

Post by Martin Walker »

Well I hope it speeds up soon - I discovered the hard way that my petrol tank has gone all rusty since my MOT test a couple of months ago, when it leaked half a tank of petrol all over my drive

I've had a replacement tank (in stock, 'other courier' delivery within five days) on order for the last ten days, and am beginning to need the supermarket as well as getting out of the house for a change of scene.


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Re: North south divide

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

Given that the absence is affecting everyone in all parts of the country, I would hazard a guess that it's actually a source printing/packaging problem rather than a postal service issue. ...But I have no insider knowledge and that is just a guess!

EDIT: it seems some of the SOS staff received their paper issues via Royal Mail today, so it looks like they are in the post and probably just a little delayed in some regions because of high levels of online shopping or whatever...
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Re: North south divide

Post by redlester »

Add me to the list of not received yet.

I'm in Nottingham, which may seem like the north to some soft southerners, but it definitely is not. :mrgreen:
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Re: North south divide

Post by Ian Shaw »

Same here in Somerset. Not just SOS I would add.
Although WHS seems to have them. Quite how they have got round the lockdown rules I have no idea, but maybe magazines are deemed essential.
Clearly SOS is!
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Re: North south divide

Post by Forum Admin »

Hugh Robjohns wrote:I would hazard a guess that it's actually a source printing/packaging problem rather than a postal service issue. ...But I have no insider knowledge and that is just a guess!

Nothing to do with printing/packaging problem - our UK printers run like clockwork and have continued to do so throughout the pandemic.

The UK magazines were collected on 16th November by Royal Mail; the hold-up is down to them but obviously we're not happy about it either, and apologise to our loyal subscribers even though it's not our fault.

Hugh Robjohns wrote:EDIT: it seems some of the SOS staff received their paper issues via Royal Mail today, so it looks like they are in the post and probably just a little delayed in some regions because of high levels of online shopping or whatever...

A couple have received their December issue but other staff are still waiting. Our distribution company publish magazines too and it's affecting their publication deliveries too.

Since every single Print subscriber was given a Digital upgrade back in April, may I suggest you login to this site and use that in the interim?

See this guide if you are unfamiliar with using our Digital services: ... igital-sub

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Re: North south divide

Post by Forum Admin »

Hugh Robjohns wrote:But the PDF download is good, if not quite as convenient!

The Full Issue PDF has the added benefit of very fast Search within that file... but having a mag lying around the studio for dipping into while the tape spools back to the start ;-) is a good thing.
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Re: North south divide

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Thanks for the update Ian. :thumbup:
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Re: North south divide

Post by Folderol »

FWIW RS and Farnell next day deliveries are frequently a day or two late these days :(
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Re: North south divide

Post by Drew Stephenson »

My SOS has just arrived! :clap:
Congratulations everyone, we've fixed the North South Divide.
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