apollo and audient not talking nicely

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apollo and audient not talking nicely

Post by kinglouis »

Hi all,
I have a 3 year old UAD apollo 8 and a 3 year old audient asp800 which I connect digitally with adat cables. I run sessions on Logic and Pro Tools at 48k, selecting the ADAT Clock on the uad Console menu.

Increasingly there is some sort of glitch between the two units which drops the connection (ADAT flashes red on the Console and 48k goes red on the UAD unit itself) and it kills the sound for the whole studio unless I either select Internal Clock on the Console, or switch the Audient off and on again which seems to restart everything.

Sounds like an adat connection issue? Its already been to Studiocare for replacement adat hardware, and I've tried various different cables as I gather they come in different sizes. The connection is now dropping out up to once a minute, generally once an hour.

Studiocare say its not a warranty issue, and they'll take 3-4 weeks to fit it in to look at. This is problematic as I have a number of composing jobs on the go and can't wait a month for my gear to be fixed (again).

- Is there anyone else in the UK who can service UAD gear?
- Does anyone have any other suggestions as to what the issue may be?

Many thanks,

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Re: apollo and audient not talking nicely

Post by Kwackman »

Is the Apollo be the wordclock master? If not maybe try that with the Audient as the slave?
Also, if both units have BNC clock connections, maybe use those instead?
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Re: apollo and audient not talking nicely

Post by Essex Boi »

It sounds like a clock sync issue doesn't it? There's a picture on page 19 of the manual for the ASP800 showing how to connect it to an Apollo 8, with the Apollo 8 as master. You'll need to use the BNC connections as Kwackman has suggested.
Essex Boi
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Re: apollo and audient not talking nicely

Post by kinglouis »

This sounds sensible. I've not tried using BNC connections, I'll give it a run, and make the Apollo8 master.

Thank you both, much appreciated.
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