Spotify white noise

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Spotify white noise

Post by CS70 »

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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Drew Stephenson »

How can anyone be claiming royalties on white noise? :headbang:
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by CS70 »

Yeah it sounds pretty insane!
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Drew Stephenson »

But it does lead me to wonder if John Cage ever claimed royalties on 4'33?
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Aled Hughes »

blinddrew wrote:But it does lead me to wonder if John Cage ever claimed royalties on 4'33?

I've often wondered if the audience members are entitled to PPL royalties for a broadcast/recording of 4'33...
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Ramirez wrote:
blinddrew wrote:But it does lead me to wonder if John Cage ever claimed royalties on 4'33?

I've often wondered if the audience members are entitled to PPL royalties for a broadcast/recording of 4'33...

That would make at least as much sense! :D
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by ManFromGlass »

I’m waiting for the remix or mashup!
But you can still buy Cage’s score. So somebody is still making money from his work.
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Sam Spoons »

ManFromGlass wrote:I’m waiting for the remix or mashup!
But you can still buy Cage’s score. So somebody is still making money from his work.

It must be the most expensive score ever on a cost per note basis!
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by CS70 »

Well, you can factor in that you can photocopy it and reuse it as writing sheets... :D
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Sam Spoons »

:clap::clap::clap: Genius, I'll have five :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Sam Spoons »

Oh bugger, it's no good for jazz, it only does 4/4

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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by CS70 »

Yeah only dance pop then!
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by ManFromGlass »

I never knew he wrote a B section
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by N i g e l »

Is the score available transposed for Bb Clarinet ?
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by CS70 »

N i g e l wrote:Is the score available transposed for Bb Clarinet ?

Certainly. It's one of the few scores in just temperament that can be played identically well in equal temperament and transposes easily to any key.
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Going back to the original point about white noise for a moment, the vexing thing is that because Spotify operates a proportional payout (not a per-stream payout), this is taking cash from actual music.
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by CS70 »

Indeed, which was the reason for which I posted it here.

Can't believe they let pass such an obvious scam! And the album has apparently millions of listens, so the money involved starts to be more than a cappuccino and croissant, so to say.
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by N i g e l »

blinddrew wrote:.... taking cash from actual music.

The noise track genre is a perfectly valid art form/sonic tool !
note: that the article uses "white noise" as a non technical term including fans, ocean waves, etc.

I have a self-composed noise track in my audio player. Pink noise from audacity & a few bass peaks added in Cakewalk. ~60s long, it loops very well indeed.
Ideal for use for sleep, masking tinitus or working in open plan offices.

Ideal for monetizing too as its short & used on repeat, day after day. Wish Id thought of that !
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by CS70 »

N i g e l wrote: The noise track genre is a perfectly valid art form/sonic tool !

It's also a perfectly valid form of bs. :lol:
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Drew Stephenson »

N i g e l wrote:I have a self-composed noise track in my audio player. Pink noise from audacity & a few bass peaks added in Cakewalk. ~60s long, it loops very well indeed.

But you have put some measure of creative process in there at least, as does most of the 'noise music' crowd.
But I really should have read the article properly - but it's hard to do when you're reading round an adblocker banner... ;)
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by BigRedX »

I suppose a similar concept with regard to Royalties as Vulfpeck's "Sleepify" album.

And I wish I had thought of it first as well.

I also own an electronic album on CD which is essentially 40 minutes of an extremely slowly pitch and timbre modulated bass drone.
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by N i g e l »

blinddrew wrote: But you have put some measure of creative process in there at least, as does most of the 'noise music' crowd.

hmmm maybe my "Generate > noise > pink, 00h01m00.00s" has some creativity, perhaps more than an album version : "Generate > noise > pink, 01h14m00.00s" but less than say mic'ing the sound of rain on a caravan roof or pressing GO on a multi feedback modular patch. :)
Its beginning to sound like there is some work ethic or "struggle" required !

In the early days of downloading, when tracks were 99p & full albums £5, the track per side brigade [prog rock, rambling german electronic, etc] were at a financial disadvantage.

BigRedX wrote: I also own an electronic album on CD which is essentially 40 minutes of an extremely slowly pitch and timbre modulated bass drone.

I have a CD of blue whale noises. In the days of casette or CD you didnt need a search engine, just go straight to the bargin bin.
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Drew Stephenson »

N i g e l wrote:Its beginning to sound like there is some work ethic or "struggle" required !

Nope, but for there to be a copyright there has to be a creative aspect to the piece. No creativity, no copyright. Dems de rules.
So likewise, me just sticking a mic up in the shed on a rainy day = no copyright. Add some slow modulating drones and whales noises = copyright.
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by N i g e l »

This evenings PM news program on Radio 4 had a brief article on "Functional Muisc". much incredulus giggling ensued from Evan Davis.

A quick google brought up a similar article where rain sounds outstreamed Lady Gaga. ... a-1223911/

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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by MOF »

So likewise, me just sticking a mic up in the shed on a rainy day = no copyright.

No, your recording will be copyrighted as a sound recording just as recordings from Sound Effects libraries are copyrighted.
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Sorry, to be clear, I meant no copyright on the 'composition'.
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by BigRedX »

As with a lot of "unconventional music" the bulk of the creativity is in the "idea" rather than the execution.

I'm sure that a lot of us here if we are being honest with ourselves would love to have come up with some of these ideas and be benefiting financially from them. If nothing else it would give us more freedom to work on the sort of music we really want to create, without having to be distracted by the constraints of a non-musical "day job".

I know I would.
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Indeed, it's hard not to see the attraction of gaming a system that has become so far removed from its original purpose.
Still, another 20,000 listens and I'll have earned my first cent and then it's surely gravy all the way! ;)
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Re: Spotify white noise

Post by N i g e l »

BigRedX wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:43 am As with a lot of "unconventional music" the bulk of the creativity is in the "idea" rather than the execution.

true and not just for music.

Anyone could have done this... but they didnt

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