motu 828mkII routing in mac os

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motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by arfo »

Hi everybody,
I'm using a MOTU828mkII firewire on a Macmini late 2012 with OSX Mojave and I still can't figure out if and how I can address my streaming audio (coming from internet) to my main outs (I set the box in the MIDI-audio panel but with no results); the same is for audio preview: if I press the spacebar I can only hear the audio preview in an analog pair of outputs, 5-6, but I can't change them and I don't understand where this setting is established...
I'm asking if something is no more ok with compatibility between MOTU and OS Mojave but I didn't find anything about it...
Thank you for helping me...
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by BigRedX »

It's a while since I owned a MotU audio interface, but when I did the audio routing was handled by MotU's own utility which over-rode the settings in the Mac OS Audio MiDI setup. I'd start by looking there.
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by arfo »

Thank you BigRedX,
I've tried different setting on cuemix and MOTU audio setup utilities but it appears more like they control audio input more than output...
I'm trying to contact MOTU support but it's not so easy...
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by Black Sheep »

From my memory of using one of those units the main outs are by default on 9 & 10. You should be able to set macOS to use them by opening up the 'Audio MIDI Setup' utility. Select the interface on the left, select the Output tab then click the 'Configure Speakers...' button in the bottom right, then set Left to output 9 and Right to output 10. If 9 & 10 don't work you could try each of the other outputs in turn and use the Test buttons to find the ones that work.

If that doesn't work it's possible you need to change some routing settings in CueMix.
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by arfo »

Hi Black Sheep,
i tried quite everything I could, included, what you're suggesting but I can't get out...
At the moment I have audio (file preview, itunes, web streaming) coming from stereo analog outputs 5-6 and I can't change this; even if I try with audio setting and I set 7-8 or 3-4 and the test is succesful (I see it in the led panel) at the end anything changes...
I only could get audio from internet in my main outputs creating a multiple output device (but the name is misleading because I can only choose MOTU main out) but in this case my apple volume remote control is unuseful...
What makes me crazy is that I set audio 5-6 with a previous OS version, I had Mavericks before jumping to Mojave, and it was ok so I'm asking about compatibility....

The situation is different if I use Cubase ore Live: in this case I can route output and inputs as I want, fortunately; so it seems that audio software seized audio control...

I'm still trying to contact MOTU support...

Thank you for writing,

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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by adamburgess »

I bought Rogue Amoeba's Loopback a couple of years back.
It's excellent for this sort of stuff.

Never used the MOTU software, but looks like you're on the right lines!
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by arfo »

Thank you Adamburgess, I would prefer to solve the problem with MOTU, if they only answered...
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by s_e_a_n »

Create an aggregate device adding your 828 to the system ins/outs in the Audio/Midi Setup app then you should be able to use any combination.
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by arfo »

HI s_e_a_n,
I did it too
arfo wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:49 pm I only could get audio from internet in my main outputs creating a multiple output device (but the name is misleading because I can only choose MOTU main out) but in this case my apple volume remote control is unuseful..

but when I select MOTU 828 it only gives me the option for channels 1-2 (main out...).
I also downloaded the ultimate audio setup versio but when I open it there are still old options selected; maybe I should uninstall and reinstall but this is the very last try (I'm afraid issues could be worst than now....)
Thank you
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by Black Sheep »

arfo wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 3:49 pm What makes me crazy is that I set audio 5-6 with a previous OS version, I had Mavericks before jumping to Mojave, and it was ok so I'm asking about compatibility....

Looking at, it seems like the driver support for the 828mk2 only goes up to macOS 10.13 :-(
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by arfo »

Hi Black Sheep,
it seems so, actually... :-/
I'm trying to get in touch with MOTU tech support...
In the meanwhile I downloaded MOTU mac audio installer from (it mentions 828x) and I installed it (v. 1.6 83634) with no troubles but anything changed...
Hope MOTU tech support will definitely clarify this question... I'll let you know
Thank you,
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by wearashirt »

Did you not buy the motu to use in a DAW? I guess that's one major question I also have for you..

I hope you find a solution. I'm also planning on getting an old mk3.
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by arfo »

wearashirt wrote: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:08 pm Did you not buy the motu to use in a DAW? I guess that's one major question I also have for you..
I hope you find a solution. I'm also planning on getting an old mk3.

Hi wearashirt,
I've been using my MOTU for fifteen years at least an I still am, with Cubase 11, Live 10, Sibelius, and other software; it's a very good soundcard with a lot of ins and outs so ther are a lot of routing options but...
...recently I'm no more able to set in and out for listening outside of music software...
I at first used MOTU in a Windows environment then I passed to a Macmini, starting with OS Mavericks, and I set a couple of outputs - different from main outputs - for internet streaming and audio file previews; since I upgraded to OS Mojave they are still running but I can't no more change them so I was asking because I guessed it could be a compatibility problem (my MOTU is a firewire one and I think - not sure... - firewire it's no more used in soundcards).
It's not a major issue, at the moment, because I still can use my DAWs and other music softwares but it's annoying and it makes me to fear that thing could get worse.
I'm still trying to have a feedback from MOTU tech support; I'll post something as I'll have some new...
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by Sarqueboute »

This is my standard configuration, which I'm using daily with no pb (OS 10.14.6 + MOTU 828 mkII). I'm using the MOTU as a patch bay from many sources / destinations.
I can switch the Mac output in most applications like this: select MOTU in the sound pref, then the output in MOTU Audio Setup (I currently switch between Phones 1-2, hifi amp on Analog 1-2, near field on Main Out). This is different from Logic and other DAWs, which use their own routing pref (GarageBand only outputs on Main Out). I don't think Cuemix handles the Mac output.
I had to update the driver when installing 10.14 (from a much older version); I've used MOTU Audio Installer v1.6.73220 which is noted 10.6 to 10.13 but works fine on 10.14. Then, some applications routed the signal independently - I had initial difficulties with Firefox / Safari / iTunes but this settled down by tweaking the controls (don't really know how…) ; also the switch is not always immediate, e.g. in Firefox you have to stop and play again when changing output. I also had initial problems with Firefox when Sonarworks is active. But everything works fine.
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Re: motu 828mkII routing in mac os

Post by arfo »

Hi Sarqueboute,
sorry I'm answering very late.

Sarqueboute wrote: Sun Oct 10, 2021 10:15 am I had initial difficulties with Firefox / Safari / iTunes but this settled down by tweaking the controls (don't really know how…)

This is exactly what I was trying to understand but it seems it's not possible to route Firefox/Chrome audio or audio file preview to main ouputs using browser preferences...
I only obtained a result creating a multiple output device in macmini MIDI Audio settings but it doesn't respond to Apple remote control so I have to be very careful vith volumes to avoid speakers troubles...

As I wrote it's not a major issue but I suppose it's a drivers compatibility issue... I'll let you know if MOTU should answer to me....

Thank you for answering,
Posts: 87 Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:00 am
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