Absolutely. Pins 1, 7, 8 are as naked as a newborn baby.
Also today I did a few active tests in my {cough}kitchen{cough} workshop, using my signal generator (of DIY amp fame) and a modern true RMS multimeter. At these low frequencies they're pretty good.
I worked with an output level of 1V, which is quite reasonable as a headphone level, and as I'm not sure of the correct source impedance, I used 600ohms, 2.2k and 47k. The result was entirely consistent across all of these, which is something I didn't expect actually.
I can confirm the tone control has no measurable effect at all over the range 40Hz to 4kHz

Also, the -3dB point relative to 400Hz is 70Hz, which is
way too high for a bass.
I might try tapping caps across those present (particularly those 33u coupling ones) and see what transpires.
I'm not at work tomorrow, but if I'm down that way I might drop in and see if I can borrow the cap tester - I should probably get one myself