PC upgrade - a diary

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Re: PC upgrade - a diary

Post by Drew Stephenson »

I think technically it could, but it's present even when there's no activity on the HDD and everything's running off the SDD. But I don't know if it goes completely inert in these situations or if it's always running in the background.
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Re: PC upgrade - a diary

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

It (probably) always spins...
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Re: PC upgrade - a diary

Post by Drew Stephenson »

This is beyond my ken! ;)

Trying to make sense of sorbothane options on Amazon, I'm wondering if two packs of shoe heel inserts might actually be the simplest option! :crazy:
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Re: PC upgrade - a diary

Post by jjlonbass »

Hugh Robjohns wrote:It (probably) always spins...

Yes it will, unless the selected power option stops the drive after a period of inactivity. That wouldn't be what you want for a PC running a DAW though.
It is highly likely that the 120Hz noise comes from a 7200 r.p.m. hard drive given that 7200 revolutions per minute = 120 revolutions per second.

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Re: PC upgrade - a diary

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

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Re: PC upgrade - a diary

Post by Drew Stephenson »

That makes sense.
I've currently got a couple of wooden wedges holding the case firm against the cabinet and that seems to have sorted it for now.
On the positive side, the whole thing runs so much cooler than the previous one I can completely seal the cabinet for much longer periods without any significant heating up.
Just need to sort out the BSOD side of things now.
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Re: PC upgrade - a diary

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Couple of updates, I have some vibration absorbent matting and will be chopping up a sheet to see if that helps with the noise side. Co-incidentally I realised/worked out that my work laptop is also contributing to that disc hum as well so that's getting a sheet too.

I've also, with a bit of help from Ben at scan, identified the cause of the BSODs. Well, I think I have. Had a complete nightmare this morning when it got stuck in boot up for about 45 minutes when I was supposed to be hosting an event for 100 people. Ended up having to quickly rejig the old machine and run it from there.
But it appears the culprit is my focusrite interface, it's a gen1 8i6 and Pete did warn me that there could be issues with it due to its age. But after multiple test restarts, gradually adding one peripheral back in at a time, this appears to be consistently the problem.
It's generally fine to plug it in once everything is up and running, but it doesn't like booting with it plugged in.
I'm now trying to see if there's such a thing as a switched USB cable to avoid having to plug and unplug every time.
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Re: PC upgrade - a diary

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Well the vibration absorbent matting did nowt, but the wedges are back in and it's sufficiently quiet to work with now so we'll call that done. The rest of the matting sits conveniently under the electric drumkit and definitely makes a difference there so it's not a complete waste.
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Re: PC upgrade - a diary

Post by OneWorld »

blinddrew wrote:Couple of updates, I have some vibration absorbent matting and will be chopping up a sheet to see if that helps with the noise side. Co-incidentally I realised/worked out that my work laptop is also contributing to that disc hum as well so that's getting a sheet too.

I've also, with a bit of help from Ben at scan, identified the cause of the BSODs. Well, I think I have. Had a complete nightmare this morning when it got stuck in boot up for about 45 minutes when I was supposed to be hosting an event for 100 people. Ended up having to quickly rejig the old machine and run it from there.
But it appears the culprit is my focusrite interface, it's a gen1 8i6 and Pete did warn me that there could be issues with it due to its age. But after multiple test restarts, gradually adding one peripheral back in at a time, this appears to be consistently the problem.
It's generally fine to plug it in once everything is up and running, but it doesn't like booting with it plugged in.
I'm now trying to see if there's such a thing as a switched USB cable to avoid having to plug and unplug every time.

I have the same problem with an ICON controller, everything boots up fine, and works as it should, except the ICON won’t ‘talk’ to Cubase until I turn it off then on again. Ok it’s no big deal but I am just curious why Cubase won’t pick up the ICON when starting up.
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Re: PC upgrade - a diary

Post by Drew Stephenson »

My BCR2000 isn't recognised by reaper sometimes but that happened on the old machine and i've always put it down to the drivers.
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Re: PC upgrade - a diary

Post by Music Wolf »

I had that problem a couple of times with my Behringer X-Touch / Cubase 10.5 Pro.

It appeared to be down to the order in which I switch things on so now I've got myself into a routine so that I switch on all my gear in a particular sequence. Tiuch wood, I've never had the problem since.
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