guidance about Sound effects recording

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guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by Adam Artman »

Hello to my dear friends.I hope you be great and health.
What Equipment i need to record and create sound effects for video games or film?
can i record them with only a recorder?
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by BWC »

Adam Artman wrote: Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:47 pm What Equipment i need to record and create sound effects for video games or film?

Need? A capable computer and the right collection of software. Really though, there are as many answers to that question as there are creative people in the world. Can you be more specific?
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by Adam Artman »

BWC wrote: Wed Oct 20, 2021 11:08 pmNeed? A capable computer and the right collection of software. Really though, there are as many answers to that question as there are creative people in the world. Can you be more specific?

Hello dear friend.thank you alot.
I mean is recording sound effects for example: car,out door,animals sounds,glass breaking and more.
I'm working with a video game team and they wanted SFX for their game.
i wanna record sounds with good quality.
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by Arpangel »

There are many sound effects libraries, you can buy, or, if you want to record your own, specific effects, yes, a good handy recorder like the Zoom H6, as an example, would be fine, if you want to go a step up, a Sound Devices Mix Pre with good quality external mic's would be one way to go, it’s up to you, how much you want to spend on this.
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by Adam Artman »

Arpangel wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:37 am There are many sound effects libraries, you can buy, or, if you want to record your own, specific effects, yes, a good handy recorder like the Zoom H6, as an example, would be fine, if you want to go a step up, a Sound Devices Mix Pre with good quality external mic's would be one way to go, it’s up to you, how much you want to spend on this.

thank dude.actually my budget is low and I'm in the first way.
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by Drew Stephenson »

What kind of phone do you have? If it's anything modern the chances are you've actually got a reasonable mic there. Add a low pass filter in your DAW to cull handling noise and then your biggest challenge will be wind noise. This will always be your biggest challenge outdoors! Making your own 'blimp' or 'dead cat' is worth investigating.
If you're after a stand-alone sound for a feature film it's not going to be good enough, but if you're after a background sound that's subsequently going to be processed in various ways it's surprising how good it can be.
It's often in stereo as well.
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by Adam Artman »

blinddrew wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 12:47 pm What kind of phone do you have? If it's anything modern the chances are you've actually got a reasonable mic there. Add a low pass filter in your DAW to cull handling noise and then your biggest challenge will be wind noise. This will always be your biggest challenge outdoors! Making your own 'blimp' or 'dead cat' is worth investigating.
If you're after a stand-alone sound for a feature film it's not going to be good enough, but if you're after a background sound that's subsequently going to be processed in various ways it's surprising how good it can be.
It's often in stereo as well.

thanks alot.
my phone is Iphone 6.
actually i wanna record sound for create creativity things for video games SFX
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by BWC »

If realistic sounds are what you want, then higher quality means more expense and more challenges (or a decent, reasonably priced sample library). If you want to turn real sounds into "special effects" sounds, then start with the tools you have, and only add as the creative need presents itself.
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by Arpangel »

BWC wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 12:22 am If realistic sounds are what you want, then higher quality means more expense and more challenges (or a decent, reasonably priced sample library). If you want to turn real sounds into "special effects" sounds, then start with the tools you have, and only add as the creative need presents itself.

Recording sounds for games is a very interesting subject, a lot of sound effects people have found the more realistic a sound is captured, it may not translate well in the context of the game, or film.
With that in mind, sometimes you have to make sounds larger than life, more stereotypical, than you would if say, you we’re trying to make a "natural" recording. Sometimes sounds can be made in entirely different ways to what they really are, but actually work better in context.
I have a synthesised recording of rain I made on a modular, to me, it sounds more like rain than rain, it’s ticking all the boxes your brain wants to hear, with nothing you don’t, which will distract you, and in a game, or a film, you need to make an instant connection with the sound, in the context.
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by Mike Stranks »

Recording gear does not need to be overly expensive... the better hand-held Zooms are OK, but mics and especially wind-shielding need to be good. Good windshielding is not cheap... see the Rycotes website.

For the required application, record in stereo at 48K, 24-bit.

It's a good point about enhancing sound for the right effect. Game effects need to be in your face. Whether that's for the recordist or the game-designers/implementers to achieve is a matter for local discussion.

Most of my SFX work has been aimed at achieving as natural an effect as possible. The one exception was explosions... I was given privileged access to get upclose and personal, but even with a good semi-pro recorder, excellent mics and Pro windshielding couldn't get the desired effect. (There's a debate to be had about capacitor/dynamic mics in that context; I was using capacitor) Soem serious bass enhancement in post gave the desired 'wumph' effect! :D
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by James Perrett »

Arpangel wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 7:35 am Recording sounds for games is a very interesting subject, a lot of sound effects people have found the more realistic a sound is captured, it may not translate well in the context of the game, or film.
With that in mind, sometimes you have to make sounds larger than life, more stereotypical, than you would if say, you we’re trying to make a "natural" recording. Sometimes sounds can be made in entirely different ways to what they really are, but actually work better in context.

I remember seeing a quote from someone who made a horror FX library to the effect of "We used a lot of cabbages making that".
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by Arpangel »

I recorded "real" acoustic sound effects for a film, when I went to the preview, they’d obviously processed and edited them in post, it was amazing, they sounded so big, and convincing, like they were in technicolour, on the cinema sound system they worked really well, I felt that only half of it was my work really.
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by Adam Artman »

thanks a alot my dear friends.
i'm searching about ZOOM H2N and ZOOM H6 recorders.what do you think about those recorders?
some one told me that quality on zoom mics are like each it right?
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Re: guidance about Sound effects recording

Post by Arpangel »

Adam Artman wrote: Sat Oct 23, 2021 7:58 pm thanks a alot my dear friends.
i'm searching about ZOOM H2N and ZOOM H6 recorders.what do you think about those recorders?
some one told me that quality on zoom mics are like each it right?

They are what they are, they deliver a certain level of quality, noticeable, or not noticeable, depending on what you’re recording,
The Zooms are very popular, but there are subtle differences between makes, I personally prefer my Tascam DR100 MK111, also, the Roland recorders, I hear a slight improvement in the sound of the on-board mic’s, over the Zoom models, but this is highly personal.
If you’re using external mic’s, makes no difference.
I would experiment, you still have the ability to use external mic’s, on the machines that provide XLR inputs, and phantom, so just give it a go, if you’re not happy, trade up to some decent mic’s.
Whatever you get, please budget for a decent windshield, these aren’t an option, they are an absolute necessity, get the best, Rycote, simple.
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