Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

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Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

Post by Wonks »

iPhone and Safari on OS15.1

When accessing at forum post level (not the main and sub-forum menus), I've been getting the all greyed-out screen with the selection box for viewing in Tapatalk or Safari at the bottom of the page quite a few times, maybe 1 in 5 times.

I've deleted the cookies and logged out and in again but it's still happening.

This happened at the start of the new forum set-up then got fixed. I assume this must be down to some changes to the forum software as I've been on iOS15.1 and it's version of Safari for a while, and this has only been the last couple of days.
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Re: Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

Post by RichardT »

Same here on iPad pro with OS version 15.0, using Chrome.
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Re: Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

Post by Dan LB »


iPad with OS 15 here. Has only happened in the last few days.
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Re: Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Looking at the other thread it would suggest that the problem is to do with the Tapatalk update not a forum one.
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Re: Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

I've drawn this thread to the attention of 'da management'
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Re: Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

Post by Forum Admin »

Apologies - We updated the Tapatalk plug-in yesterday after they requested we do so, and I tested on iPad and iPhone and all seemed well.

Have passed this on to our web developer to investigate and resolve a.s.a.p.
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Re: Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

Post by shufflebeat »

Ah, that'll explain this then: ... hp?t=80326

My own experience of the Thing.
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Re: Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

Post by shufflebeat »

Forum Admin wrote: Thu Dec 02, 2021 3:46 pm We updated the Tapatalk plug-in yesterday after they requested we do so,

I wonder why that could be.
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Re: Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

Post by Paul Gilby »

We've tweaked some settings so it should all work OK now.
Please can users try again.
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Re: Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

Post by Wonks »

I've looked at about 30 posts on the phone, and it hasn't happened to me yet, so it would appear to be OK again. Thanks.

If it does happen again, I'll post back here.
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Re: Repeated Safari or Tapatalk selection requirement on iPhone

Post by shufflebeat »

That's some fine tweakage.

When it originally happened I closed the windows, emptied the bins and the problem went away. When I returned it had come back but your magic wand seems to have remedied the situation.

Previous to emptying the bins I also had to sign in again unexpectedly, might that be connected?
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