Eventide Misha

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Eventide Misha

Post by BJG145 »

A circular from Leon Gruenbaum of Samchillian fame today announced the arrival of the Eventide Misha, which seems to offer some of the same functionality in Eurorack form. (He was involved in the design.)

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Re: Eventide Misha

Post by Arpangel »

Just looking at that front panel makes my brain go into a spin, no.
I don’t like this leaning towards complex displays and menus, in modular, it’s already intimidating just looking at a wall of knobs, but at least with those you can work them out pretty quickly, and see what’s happening, adding another layer of screens and hidden menus isn’t a good idea IMO
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Re: Eventide Misha

Post by BJG145 »

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