CD player jog wheels and frame by frame frustation

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CD player jog wheels and frame by frame frustation

Post by hooty2 »

This is a bit of a moan or a yearn for old school usefulness!
I'm using CD's into mixers into amps into speakers.
My old Denon dual cd players are both in for service and repair with 3rd party companies.
I chose a basic model from amazon to get me past the wedding next week....
The old Denons have a by the minute search function via jog wheel... all the new, or rather persisting stuff on the market, seems to be only frame by frame....takes ages to get more than a minute into a long track.
The x10 track search function is entirely pointless (IMHO)...
I considered buying used Denon stuff but probably inheriting the same issues after long service.
Moan over
Posts: 336 Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:00 am

Re: CD player jog wheels and frame by frame frustation

Post by MOF »

I would have thought something like Traktor software on a laptop with a SSD would be the way to go now.
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Re: CD player jog wheels and frame by frame frustation

Post by Mike Stranks »

I used to be an 'everything for a production/show on CD' person... I had a CD Player with a 'cue to next track start' function which was brilliant for fx in plays and shows etc.

However, I stopped using CDs about 10 years ago. Switched to Multiplay on a laptop... but these days there are loads of apps available for Windows and iOS as well as ipads/phones and Android devices. I wouldn't want to go back now...
Mike Stranks
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Re: CD player jog wheels and frame by frame frustation

Post by hooty2 »

Cheers for those replies. On the back of that I've studied Traktor and Serato and Ableton etc and media controllers.
The point for me is, i like the unpredictable on the fly grab a disc follow or influence the mood... I get the changing tech world but i miss the simplicity and functionality of some machines. I moved off my yamaha work stations to 'in the box' as they say and i'm glad i did. SOS support and advice & Scanpc support got me over that hurdle .... (I'm notoriously tech naive as some here on forum have recognised) I love the back up options for my location recordings (joeco/Durec etc)... I back up favoured cd tracks in many formats.... I am taking a printed playlist on the laptop along to events... I may be a luddite.. but i just want my one minute jog wheel search back ... :thumbup:
Posts: 336 Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:00 am

Re: CD player jog wheels and frame by frame frustation

Post by hooty2 »

P.s. the most impressive DJ i ever saw was when, i rocked up in Brixton from my secluded houseboat on a scruffy mooring (kew orchids by day, dark canal by night)... After hearing of a gig on some scratchy pirate station.
The guy had one small record deck like something out of star tek.. he whipped 45's on and off and cued.. without missing a beat.. a stunning performance!
Also: my own style is very varied world music.. i mean world literally!... I don't like a machine matching beats for me.. i like the juxtaposition of some sonic element in seemingly disparate tunes making credible and exciting segues wirhout missing a beat.. the dancers still moving while there minds catch up.. just saying
Posts: 336 Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:00 am

Re: CD player jog wheels and frame by frame frustation

Post by hooty2 »

Sorry for spelling!.. small phone, big fingers, passionate reply . Nb: i can see a wedge for criticism in the apology if applied to my above posts.. but.. it's a living thing...and, google Wabi-sabi.. for another perspective. I appreciate my attitude curtails the list of who would want such a guy at their gig... But it's who i am
Posts: 336 Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:00 am

Re: CD player jog wheels and frame by frame frustation

Post by hooty2 »

P.p.s. : i love and admire the other fish in this very big pond... Quite content amongst the weeds and the weird things for neighbors 🤭✨
Posts: 336 Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:00 am

Re: CD player jog wheels and frame by frame frustation

Post by Mike Stranks »

Sorry, hooty, I'd misunderstood... I didn't realise you were a DJ and wanted kit to support spontaneity... Thus my recommendation of Multiplay is completely inappropriate in this context.

My days of DJ-ing are long gone :lol: but I undertsand the desire for spontaneity. A few years ago I worked with a couple of radio/live DJs providing FOH for some open-air gigs. They were both using software systems on a laptop. Didn't seem to be any inhibition to spontaneity and 'instant' requests... one specifically told me that what he used was a freeware product. The software is definitely out there...
Mike Stranks
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Posts: 10525 Joined: Fri Jan 03, 2003 12:00 am

Re: CD player jog wheels and frame by frame frustation

Post by hooty2 »

:thumbup: Mike, thanks for that. I just concluded after thinking a bit... as i do have a back up of my best tracks already, i don't need to worry about accessing things like soundcloudpro, or spotify (in some roundaboutway) and... by choosing an upto date controller & software i may be persuaded to add the option at least, with only squeaks and grumbles rather than screaming and kicking!
When a forum question appears again about things that are missed... i'll be back with my Jog wheel :lol:
Posts: 336 Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:00 am
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