The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by tea for two »

ken long wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2022 11:26 am
tea for two wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2022 10:41 am Berry announced their take on the 1970’s Mu-Tron Bi-Phase dual phaser.
Hmmmm could be something, who knows.

As long as Berry Uli are not stepping on any toes with this one, I might check it out.

The Berry Bi Phase came out last year. Re-branded as Dual Phase now (probably because of those toes) and 25 week pre-order.

The Elf wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2022 11:45 am
tea for two wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2022 10:41 am Berry announced their take on the 1970’s Mu-Tron Bi-Phase dual phaser.
Hmmmm could be something, who knows.

As long as Berry Uli are not stepping on any toes with this one, I might check it out.

It was first launched a year or more ago. I bought one, thought, meh... then sold it for more than double what I paid. The guy said it had become a collectable, since Behringer had dropped it instantly for 'legal reasons'...

It's an 'OK' device - no more, no less. Nothing special, and nothing that my Line 6 Helix couldn't better.

I'm soooo behind the times lol.

I will pass on it then.

Are Berry stepping on any toes with their Solina version.
If it does see light of day.
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by DGL. »

Something new and a small update concerning already announced products on Behringer's FB,

Behringer FB wrote:Guess the synth.
We’re excited to see more chips coming in, which allows us to start production for our long pending products.
As always, the engineering teams are super busy developing new synths.
Can you figure out, which one this is?
Collaborate with our synth developers, share your ideas and get a chance to win free synthesizers by participating in our activities at our “Synthesizer and Drums Behringer Music Tribe" FB Group. We’d love to see you there! ... usicTribe/
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Can't fathom what the new synth is, though by looking at the teased PCB's it has a connector that looks like one you would use for an internal power supply, so obviously something a bit special, noting that there is no barrel jack for power on the main PCB so must be internal.

Would reckon that it is a keyboard instrument given what looks like a board that would be at the end of a keyboard (like for pitch/mod).
Appears to have 8 sliders and two 3? way switches on the main controls board and two sliders, two 3? way switches, a push switch and possibly a stereo pot (volume?) on the smaller PCB.

It also has what looks like a 16x2 LCD and controls for some sort of menu system, so might not be something that basic, sliders rather than pots lead me to it being more Roland/ARP if it's a fully fledged synth as they used sliders over pots on a lot of their designs whereas others used them sparingly on designs.

Anyone got any thoughts?, thinking about it, it could only be a partial tease with more controller boards that are not shown, going by a post on GS is a Juno 60/106 in the works?


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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by N i g e l »

The chip circuits on the left hand side with the 8 trim pots looks like its the same thing repeated 8 times - maybe an 8 voice poly. The LCD suggests lots of parameters to be edited, maybe somthing hybrid, like DCOs.
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by The Elf »

Some are saying it's a Juno. Gawd, I hope not... :yawn:
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Arpangel »

These Behringer "teasers" are so passé now, its like, just shut up until you’ve actually got something to sell, then publicise it.
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Shock news! Blinddrew and Arpangel in complete agreement!

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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Arpangel »

blinddrew wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 7:44 pm Shock news! Blinddrew and Arpangel in complete agreement!


I’ve already had a drink to celebrate.

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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by N i g e l »

Well .... Behringer arent the only ones to announce gear in advance. Im thinking of at least one big Japanese synth company who had a prescence at synthfest, a load of uTube reviews & demos but no gear 'till new year.

I think that way is less pressured than the press embargo style with announcement at 17:00 followed by 17:01 release of independent uTube reviews & demos. Order now for delivery !

Behringer FB wrote:

We’re excited to see more chips coming in, which allows us to start production for our long pending products.

more chips is always good news
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Arpangel »

N i g e l wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:03 pm more chips is always good news

I don’t think there was ever a shortage, I think, that some manufacturers just didn’t want to make stuff, for various reasons I won’t go into, I’m in bed, and need my sleep, strange how other industries making other things, never had any issues with supplies, using the same chips.
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

Arpangel wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:17 pmI don’t think there was ever a shortage, I think, that some manufacturers just didn’t want to make stuff, for various reasons I won’t go into

This sounds more like one of your wacky theories rather than reliable information.

...strange how other industries making other things, never had any issues with supplies, using the same chips.

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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Arpangel »

Hugh Robjohns wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:19 pm
Arpangel wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:17 pmI don’t think there was ever a shortage, I think, that some manufacturers just didn’t want to make stuff, for various reasons I won’t go into

This sounds more like one of your wacky theories rather than reliable information.

...strange how other industries making other things, never had any issues with supplies, using the same chips.


Cars TV's washing machines radios hi-fi door bells cash registers blood pressure machines phones tablets computers hot tubs shed alarms, is it that synthesisers are particularly special? It’s just a straightforward case of keeping the company profile up and running with a load of vapour-ware.
Where’s my VCS3?

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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by BigRedX »

I've got to agree with teaser, pre-release announcement, and limited edition fatigue.

IMO if I can't go into a music store today and buy one to take home with me there and then, or order off a web site for next day delivery (or within a week for manufacturers with no UK presence) the, AFAIAC the product does not exist and I have no interest in it.

To this end I have been more than happy with the plug-in synths that came free with Logic, and so far I have been able to do everything want using one or more of them.
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by FrankF »

Hmm, has anyone else noticed that there's a chip shortage but no shortage of chip fryers: is there something we're not being told?

Smells fishy to me...
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

Arpangel wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:20 am Cars....

Just taking one item that's been in the news recently: Jaguar has just announced a cut to production citing a shortage of electronic sub-systems.

Modern cars use a lot of electronics — over 150 processors pet vehicle compared to one in a blood pressure monitor, door bell, or washing machine.

My daughter needs a replacement controller board for her oven. It's on back-order due to a shortage of parts.

Consumer availability also depends on the batch production sizes, frequency of demand, and warehousing volumes.
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by FrankF »

Hugh Robjohns wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:42 am
My daughter needs a replacement controller board for her oven. It's on back-order due to a shortage of parts.

Buy her a chip fryer to tide her over! They're so much unhealthier!
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Drew Stephenson »

Well that didn't last long!

Arpangel wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:20 am Cars TV's washing machines radios hi-fi door bells cash registers blood pressure machines phones tablets computers hot tubs shed alarms, is it that synthesisers are particularly special?

Virtually every market sector has struggled with chip shortages over the last couple of years, the impact varies hugely (cars were massively affected at one point) and so does the recovery (Behringer may be a big player in the audio industry but they're not compared to someone like Sony or Asus).

But fundamentally this is proximity bias - you're very close to this industry so more aware of the problems.
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Wonks »

It's not necessarily an actual shortage of chips, they very often exist in their millions. The main problem is often that they are piled up in warehouses, still waiting to be shipped or distributed.

All the right chips, just not necessarily in the right place.

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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Folderol »

Wonks wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:26 pm It's not necessarily an actual shortage of chips, they very often exist in their millions. The main problem is often that they are piled up in warehouses, still waiting to be shipped or distributed.

All the right chips, just not necessarily in the right place.


An absolute classic, and so is Eric's response when André ad-libs with "I'll go and get my baton... it's in Chicago"
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by N i g e l »

:clap: I had forgotten about the baton !

Asking the difficult question at Synthfest.

(the question in question being about chips/manufacturing wrt synth gear)

starts about 5:00

long story shortage - it depends on which chips your using !

bonus points if you spotted anyone you know
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Drew Stephenson »

N i g e l wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 2:45 pm long story shortage - it depends on which chips your using !

Hence Focusrite re-engineering their range.
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Arpangel »

I’ve been thinking about this a bit, and I have absolutely no right to criticise Behringer in any way whatsoever, among items of theirs that I own, two interfaces, two pairs of monitors, a mother keyboard, half of my modular is populated by Behringer Modules, I have a mini mixer, a volume pedal, and an FX unit, without Behringer my studio wouldn’t exist.
Baring all this in mind, I look forward to a complementary VCS3 when it finally comes out, for my ongoing unstinting loyalty, and, for giving free publicity to a company that has truly democratised the world of recording, music making, they have made things that were before unaffordable, and unattainable, to musucians worldwide
And when I do receive my VCS, I’ll willingly give it an in-depth review, that I know, will be nothing less than a glowing tribute, and long may Behringer continue to be the saviour that it is, a company that truly cares about making music affordable to everyone, even the most impoverished of musicians, we all owe a vast debt, and it’s difficult to imagine a world, now, without Behringer.

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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Drew Stephenson »

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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

:sick: I've suddenly come over very queasy. :lol:
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Eddy Deegan »

Arpangel wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:55 pm it’s difficult to imagine a world, now, without Behringer.

Similar for me, but it's Arturia as opposed to Behrinwhoever :tongue:
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Folderol »

Eddy Deegan wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:41 pm
Arpangel wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:55 pm it’s difficult to imagine a world, now, without Behringer.

Similar for me, but it's Arturia as opposed to Behrinwhoever :tongue:

Same for me, but in my case amazingly, it's all about <click>BRRRRRRR
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by MOF »

it’s difficult to imagine a world, now, without Behringer

Until a month ago I didn’t own anything of theirs, I bought a cable tester for work.
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by The Elf »

Eddy Deegan wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:41 pm Similar for me, but it's Arturia as opposed to Behrinwhoever :tongue:

I'm just discovering the Arturia V collection, and yes, I can see what you mean...
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Arpangel »

Eddy Deegan wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:41 pm
Arpangel wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:55 pm it’s difficult to imagine a world, now, without Behringer.

Similar for me, but it's Arturia as opposed to Behrinwhoever :tongue:

Please say you didn’t take that post seriously.

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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Martin Walker »

Arpangel wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:06 am Please say you didn’t take that post seriously.


We were indeed rather concerned for your mental health Tony ;)
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Re: The Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread #3

Post by Arpangel »

Martin Walker wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:17 pm
Arpangel wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:06 am Please say you didn’t take that post seriously.


We were indeed rather concerned for your mental health Tony ;)

So was I!


Elf, the V Collection is still good, but it used to be frighteningly good when it first came out, I genuinely thought that I had the instruments it was replicating, with no need to have the real thing, they were that good, especially the Moog Modular, and 2600, they were almost too rich and fruity.
Then, they changed them, and now I hardly use those things, I still use it for some things, like the Rhodes, Wurly, and organs.
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