Free Zoom H6 case -any use to anyone ?

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Free Zoom H6 case -any use to anyone ?

Post by Lizardpoint »

Hi team, hopefully not breaking any international laws offering this here ?

I have a Zoom H6 hard case which take the recorder and the standard accessories.
I no longer need it so if it’s any use to anyone here then it’s free …. If not I’ll bin it.
Cheers Dave
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Re: Free Zoom H6 case -any use to anyone ?

Post by Drew Stephenson »

I guess this should be on the free ads rather than the forum? Might get more take up.
Hope you find a new home for it.
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Drew Stephenson
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Re: Free Zoom H6 case -any use to anyone ?

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

We prefer to keep ads for stuff -- free or otherwise -- on the SOS Readers' Ads pages, please. Otherwise the forums degenerate into a far more confusing place.

Thread locked.
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Hugh Robjohns
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