Too much delay

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Too much delay

Post by mountain lion »


I m using delay on vocals and the feedback knob and mixwet knob . With just a little turn it becomes overbearing . What to do?

Thank you
mountain lion
Posts: 176 Joined: Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:00 am

Re: Too much delay

Post by The Elf »

Sounds like you may have created a feedback loop. Check your routing.
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Re: Too much delay

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

Sounds like you have the feedback turned up too high and/or you have an external feedback loop from the delay's output back to its input via the mix console.

Try this:

Turn the delay and feedback knobs down and the dry-wet mix to the middle.

Turn up the delay until the timing is just right. If you're hearing more than one delay you probably have an external feedback loop going on. Sort that out first!

Then turn up the feedback knob a little to get the number/duration of repeats you want

And finally, adjust the dry-wet mix to get the level of delays right relative to the dry signal.
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Re: Too much delay

Post by mountain lion »

but there is no delay knob in replika xt?
mountain lion
Posts: 176 Joined: Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:00 am

Re: Too much delay

Post by Wonks »

What are you talking about? It has mix and feedback knobs and knobs to adjust the delay time.

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Re: Too much delay

Post by mountain lion »

this is amazing. the big delay time knob has vanished. i don't have it.
mountain lion
Posts: 176 Joined: Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:00 am

Re: Too much delay

Post by Wonks »

There are two delay knobs (one for each delay) if set to 'dual' mode (bottom left switch). If set to 'single', there will be just one.
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