Plugin available? - Midi Notes to Controller Values

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Plugin available? - Midi Notes to Controller Values

Post by clkdiv »

Hello nice people!

I want to map controller values to my midi-keyboard.

Although it would be nice to have this in general, for the moment I want to set certain cc-values when a note is triggered and even better blend the values to previous values with glide or so. For now I want to "play" a bell-filter with notes.

Does anyone know of a midi plugin, that would make this possible? Or can someone suggest a different approach?

Thanks! Martin.
Posts: 1 Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:11 pm

Re: Plugin available? - Midi Notes to Controller Values

Post by The Elf »

Welcome! :thumbup:

I'm guessing you want this to be available within your own DAW. That DAW is?

I can almost guarantee that you'd be able to do this in Cantabile. There are all kinds of conversion routines you can create with Cubase's Logical Editor/Processor, and I can imagine it's do-able in there too.

Maybe worth looking at the offerings by pizmidi, or try some searches in KVR for other options:
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Re: Plugin available? - Midi Notes to Controller Values

Post by Martin Walker »

There's already one available for Reaper users:
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Martin Walker
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