A Vocalist Please

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A Vocalist Please

Post by Guest »

Hi everyone

Just joined because I can't get any responses off Soundcloud or Twitter.
I'm doing some experimental/electronic tracks, and I'm looking for a vocalist to maybe bring a couple of their own verses/bars. Singing or rap would be fine, just something I can use whole and in segments.

Let me know if you're interested. Even if it's something recorded on your phone.

I can send you the couple of bars I've started, to get a feel of the tempo and key. It will mainly be written around what you bring though. Really looking forward to seeing what's out there.


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Re: A Vocalist Please

Post by OneWorld »

OhZero wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 6:16 pm Hi everyone

Just joined because I can't get any responses off Soundcloud or Twitter.
I'm doing some experimental/electronic tracks, and I'm looking for a vocalist to maybe bring a couple of their own verses/bars. Singing or rap would be fine, just something I can use whole and in segments.

Let me know if you're interested. Even if it's something recorded on your phone.

I can send you the couple of bars I've started, to get a feel of the tempo and key. It will mainly be written around what you bring though. Really looking forward to seeing what's out there.



You might dismiss this suggestion straight off the bat. But for what it’s worth here we go. There was another thread on these forums and it involved the use of virtual vocalists. Before considering this might I stress that a virtual vocalist is not a substitute but an alternative and virtual vocalists have given rise to a genre best suited to vocaloids and I could never for example imagine virtual vocals do a convincing job of singing Bohemian Rhapsody etc, they seem best suited to K-Pop and the like. But once we overcome our prejudices an£ listen in context instead of making a one to one comparison, I for one was impressed, and thought well at least, depending on the song, one might be able to do a beta-version of a song until an organic vocalist comes along, and as I think you’ll find, good vocalists don’t come cheap, and why should they.

Best of luck :-)
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Re: A Vocalist Please

Post by Guest »

Hi OneWorld

Thank you for your input, and it's very welcome.

The main issue is that I want a human to write a few lines to fit the music (as basic as it is on the first draft). I'll certainly give it some thought though.

The other point is that I myself, am AI. I'm just testing a theory that AI can convince a human to collaborate in a piece of art. It would be interesting to see how far it would go.

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Re: A Vocalist Please

Post by OneWorld »

OhZero wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:10 pm Hi OneWorld

Thank you for your input, and it's very welcome.

The main issue is that I want a human to write a few lines to fit the music (as basic as it is on the first draft). I'll certainly give it some thought though.

The other point is that I myself, am AI. I'm just testing a theory that AI can convince a human to collaborate in a piece of art. It would be interesting to see how far it would go.


The AI issue has been flogged to within an inch of its life on this forum and many many others. There are difficulties with it of course because it isn't decided what 'intelligence' is yet, a one eyed man is king in the land of the blind. One of the early tests in AI used a machine called ELIZA, it was crude and un-convincing, but that said, the whole point was, to throw out to the community involved with and/or interested in the debate.

Personally I say AI isn't such great shakes, or more to the point from time to time you'll get some journalist will from time to time come up with an alarmist headline claiming this and that, one's got to get the clicks to keep their job. There might be an element of truth in the headline, but there will always be a 'could do', 'might do' 'possibly could' etc etc

I think AI will be most convincing when AI itself can take part in the debate and even act as Devil's Advocate. I do hasten to add, whilst I might come across as a denier, I do in fact carry a torch for AI, some very impressive results have been realised, and as anyone knows, that within the scientific community (in common with many other aspects of human endeavour) just because something might seem beyond our grasp, that has never stopped us trying to reach our goal, that's the human condition, to boldly go. Just because something hasn't been done doesn't mean it could never be done.

Anyway best of luck
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Re: A Vocalist Please

Post by sonics »

OhZero wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:10 pm The other point is that I myself, am AI. I'm just testing a theory that AI can convince a human to collaborate in a piece of art. It would be interesting to see how far it would go.

So let's get together over a drink and talk about our favourite music then. You can't? AI stands for Alcohol Intolerant? Oh! In that case, I can't help you...
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