That was an expensive issue!. Having read the review, heard the demos, downloaded the demo version, and listened to some of the YT covers, I am now about £140 poorer but now have a copy of Synth V and Solaria as a bundle.
What an extraordinary piece of software!. I had always been disappointed by Vocaloid, which never really sounded convincing, but the palette of note editing tools available here is remarkable and I can see that if you put the effort into adding pitch, timing and vibrato you can achieve pretty convincing results.
It's also an intuitive and well thought out interface.
Since the basic version is free and you can load in a range of 'lite' voices to evaluate, it's definitely worth checking out!.
Synth V review in this months mag
Re: Synth V review in this months mag
Incidentally one comment in the review was the lack of documentation - one of the users has created an incredibly detailed manual for the product here.
Re: Synth V review in this months mag
ajay_m wrote: ↑Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:21 pm That was an expensive issue!. Having read the review, heard the demos, downloaded the demo version, and listened to some of the YT covers, I am now about £140 poorer but now have a copy of Synth V and Solaria as a bundle.
What an extraordinary piece of software!. I had always been disappointed by Vocaloid, which never really sounded convincing, but the palette of note editing tools available here is remarkable and I can see that if you put the effort into adding pitch, timing and vibrato you can achieve pretty convincing results.
It's also an intuitive and well thought out interface.
Since the basic version is free and you can load in a range of 'lite' voices to evaluate, it's definitely worth checking out!.
I feel I'm getting pulled in to getting this software. I too bought into Vocaloid when it was first sold and goodness me it was a piece of work, I gave up in the end. I bought it on the strength of hearing a demo of it on Radio 3, but to achieve the results they got took a dis-proportionate amount of time and effort.
However it seems voice synthesis has improved a lot. Of course no one would ever expect a product such as Synth V to replicate the organic alternative, the human voice is ever so complex, but that's not the point. I would think for successful results, one would write for Synth V, taking into account its limitations and capabilities, I can't see Solaria appearing (virtually of course) at the Royal Opera House singing Nesun Dorma. That said the Solaria Demo is really convincing. I don't think SOS would even bother reviewing a product if it were not worthy of attention.
Re: Synth V review in this months mag
Ive been listening to & watching the demos & its on my shopping list. Fantastic.
The cover of Fleet Foxes, White Winter Hymnal, works well..
but Solaria is no Agnetha. Winner takes it all cover...
It says a lot that Im discussing the singers style or emotion rather than any unwanted artifacts.
I think thats very true.
The cover of Fleet Foxes, White Winter Hymnal, works well..
but Solaria is no Agnetha. Winner takes it all cover...
It says a lot that Im discussing the singers style or emotion rather than any unwanted artifacts.
I think thats very true.
Re: Synth V review in this months mag
ajay_m wrote: ↑Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:25 am Incidentally one comment in the review was the lack of documentation - one of the users has created an incredibly detailed manual for the product here.
Thanks. I've just spent half an hour tinkering with the demo and this manual is now proving very helpful.
Re: Synth V review in this months mag
Thanks to SOS for this excellent review.
I have not pulled the trigger simply because
a) the manual really -is- a mess. And the UX is also 'immature'. That's not as snippy as it sounds. The thing will obviously get a LOT better. It's just that it's obviously written by geeks who will polish it for real people very quickly.
b) The upcoming voice databases (JUN) are even -better-. And they're clearly coming fast and furious.
My guess is that by this time next year this thing will have an 'AutoTune' moment, ie. there will be a hit record made with Synth V... not replacing Adele, but which has a unique 'AI' sound. Why wouldn't it happen? We've been doing everything possible for years now to get into that Uncanny Valley.
I have not pulled the trigger simply because
a) the manual really -is- a mess. And the UX is also 'immature'. That's not as snippy as it sounds. The thing will obviously get a LOT better. It's just that it's obviously written by geeks who will polish it for real people very quickly.
b) The upcoming voice databases (JUN) are even -better-. And they're clearly coming fast and furious.
My guess is that by this time next year this thing will have an 'AutoTune' moment, ie. there will be a hit record made with Synth V... not replacing Adele, but which has a unique 'AI' sound. Why wouldn't it happen? We've been doing everything possible for years now to get into that Uncanny Valley.
Re: Synth V review in this months mag
definitely. I can overlook the UI and manual because I find it somthing similar to what Ive been using before, albiet with a very different synth engine.
At the most basic level, its great to be able to add a singer to compositions.
At the most basic level, its great to be able to add a singer to compositions.
Re: Synth V review in this months mag
I've only had a quick play but even in the free incarnation it's very impressive.
This ^^^ was essential reading though, thank you!
ajay_m wrote: ↑Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:25 am one of the users has created an incredibly detailed manual for the product here.
This ^^^ was essential reading though, thank you!

- Drew Stephenson
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(The forumuser formerly known as Blinddrew)
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Ignore the post count, I have no idea what I'm doing...
Re: Synth V review in this months mag
I found the offical uTube tutorial series a good starting point. ... 0SGRJgRIPz
Its subtitled, so I turned off the musak & had my finger on the pause button.
They are very concise videos. ... 0SGRJgRIPz
Its subtitled, so I turned off the musak & had my finger on the pause button.
They are very concise videos.
Re: Synth V review in this months mag
Also useful, thank you. 

- Drew Stephenson
Apprentice Guru -
Posts: 26993 Joined: Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:00 am
Location: York
(The forumuser formerly known as Blinddrew)
Ignore the post count, I have no idea what I'm doing...
Ignore the post count, I have no idea what I'm doing...
Re: Synth V review in this months mag
My DAW [cakewalk] shows there are 16 stereo outputs from the VST, or 32 individual tracks available.
This is set up in your DAW by the usual method & in Synth V you need to do
Settings {panel} > Audio > TRACK COMBINED

This didnt click when I went through the manual as I was looking for somthing like outputs/assign/tracks/multitrack/channel allocation.
[The pointer to the solution came after an easy search on uTube.
This is set up in your DAW by the usual method & in Synth V you need to do
Settings {panel} > Audio > TRACK COMBINED

This didnt click when I went through the manual as I was looking for somthing like outputs/assign/tracks/multitrack/channel allocation.
[The pointer to the solution came after an easy search on uTube.