I'm guitarist and my playing zone @ home is the basement.
Everything is ok except the basement is very low (6 feet) just a tad higher than me

I don't play with real amps in this place anymore so I record direct in logic my electrics through various digital solution (the last and fav is Tonex).
My aim is play, practice, record and perform basic-mix on material from my band.
Though you may feel a bit heretic to do that in such a low ceiling situation and you'd suggest to invest in good quality headphone, I therefore chose the monitor route.
I get a satisfying tone through a pair of IK multimedia precision 6 (I'm not connected to Ik multimedia company).
I haven't yet performed calibration on them but I use the x-monitor feature allowing to mimic ATC expensive monitors response giving addictive medium focus.
I did a lot of simple DIY treatment: The wall behind the speaker is covered with huge thick old mastresses, including in the corners.
Though the music I'm mixing contains bass guitars, iI didn't notice any booming bass information.
My main concern is that I'm finally happy

I also wonder if in case of so low ceiling, is it necessary to do any treatment on the ceiling (just under the listening position) to avoid reflection (so early in this case)?
Finally, I wonder if it is worth it to add reflection panels on the wall in front of the speakers (I've often read that) ?
Any suggestion to make it better?