Cable install: by instrument or by content?

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Cable install: by instrument or by content?

Post by dwevanston »

After replacing the floor in my studio, I'm about to move my stuff back in. I'm wondering if there's a best practice for the sequence or process of running the cables. Barring those, are there any particular principles to bear in mind to get the best outcome?

I have a handful of synths, some effects pedals run in parallel, and an outboard compressor. Those all go via TRS to/from patch bays. Above the patch bays is an A+H Qu16 that I use primarily as a converter to get to my Mac. I run MIDI from synths, pedals and Mac to a MioXL. And I run USB from the computer to most of the devices. I have a power sequencer, so I have four different sets of power runs (always-on plus the sequenced sets). I use snakes for a lot of the TRS and MIDI.

I know to keep the power and USB away from, or at right-angles to, the audio.

I'm just wondering, as I think about installing it it best to run all audio, then all midi, then usb, then power...or everything by instrument...or something else.

Any ideas welcome.

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Re: Cable install: by instrument or by content?

Post by Hugh Robjohns »

I prefer to get the core computer / interface / speakers up and running first, making sure there's no hums or buzzes.

I then connect each instrument source and outboard device one at a time, checking for and resolving and grounding issues before connecting the next unit.
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Hugh Robjohns
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Re: Cable install: by instrument or by content?

Post by dwevanston »

Makes great sense. Thanks. I’d searched the forum as well as articles… and scoured the internet, but hadn’t found an answer to this one. I’m grateful for your advice.
Posts: 2 Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2021 11:54 am
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