If you've come here because you have an issue of some sort for which you need advice or a fix-solution, can I make a request?
Please tell us as much information as possible, not only about the problem, but about everything about your recording set-up.
We've had some queries where people have offered all sorts of solutions, sometimes taking considerable time to try and help, where several thread pages later the original poster has given an "Oh; by the way..." amplification which is the key to the problem and for which there is often a very simple solution or immediately rules out some possibilities.
So; please... short bullet-point type descriptions about absolutely everything related to the problem and your system - even if you don't think it could possibly be related!
As one who has infested several audio forums for some years...Good luck with that Mike!
No (yes?) totally agree and a big thumbs up from me as well but I fear it will do little good. I suspect the scenario goes something like this?...
Bod has some (never named) recording gear, possibly very recently acquired. Bod tries to record self. Bod finds the results **** compared to what they hear on many YT sources. So, he Googles the problem and finds Sound on Sound forum and dashes off a query prior to a trip to the pub, canteena or what have you.
Very often upon their next visit to the forum they find all these poncey guys asking bloody silly questions! He gets arsey and either s**s off never to be see again or gets really OOOrder and gets banned.
One thing I would like to see mandatory on all forums is that people give their country of residence unless they can satisfy the mods that this would imperil their safety. Makes life much easier if you know the mains voltage and currency!
I'm not sure there's really a justification for a mandatory register of place of residence, but saying where you are when you raise a question is another useful thing to add to Mike's list.
I think one problem we have here in particular is that subscribing for notifications to a topic seems to be a bit hit and miss. We've had a lot of people raise queries then come back much later to say that they didn't realise there'd been any answers because they were expecting an email notification.
Not sure if that's a PICNIC error or a system(s) one though. Or both.
I've flagged this to the Mods as it's an across the board issue, not just for recording...
.... Of course, you have a point Dave and I doubt it will achieve much, but every little helps. And I think you're being somewhat harsh in your assessment. Yes; we do have some umbrage-takers as first-timers, but many do engage and are genuinely grateful for the advice they're given - even if it may not be a magic bullet.
Hi Drew. I can see no reason why a person should not give at least country of residence, UK, USA, Asia at least then we know their currency, mains voltage and likely that English is not their first language and can make allowances. (I have in the past been berated as being the "Kolloquial Kid!) I try to do better these days.
Anyway, got to get back to tidying me drum, daughter and her pot&pan are coming up tomorrow for a drop o Rosy.
Mike, yes a bit unkind perhaps but my point was a possible scenario. I have to say such happenings are much more common on another forum I frequent (some pretty dodgy septics get on it!)
ef37a wrote: ↑Fri May 26, 2023 10:56 am
... likely that English is not their first language and can make allowances. (I have in the past been berated as being the "Kolloquial Kid!) I try to do better these days.
Anyway, got to get back to tidying me drum, daughter and her pot&pan are coming up tomorrow for a drop o Rosy.
All new members need to have their first three posts vetted, so they could be sent a suitable standard message, though obviously it would be too late for their first post unless it was held in limbo for a while in case the poster wanted to revise it.
But it might help if it was made more obvious that this is a UK-based magazine/forum as a lot of Americans that are new to the forum don't seem to realise it.
I was thinking of something presented as they're making their first post, like...
Read and Follow the Forum Rules
While all are welcome, be aware that most of the members are UK based.
It can be helpful to provide your general location (especially if asking something power related).
If asking for help with a problem, please provide as much information as possible, not only about the problem, but about everything connected to, or nearby, your recording set-up.
Looking at it from another direction - my paranoia meter would raise a notch or two if I was asked questions about my gear by strangers. No argument here that it helps sort the issue, but, well, cautious, I am.
ManFromGlass wrote: ↑Sun May 28, 2023 6:01 pm
Looking at it from another direction - my paranoia meter would raise a notch or two if I was asked questions about my gear by strangers.
"Hello, I've a fault with my gear, it makes a weird noise. I'm not comfortable telling you what gear it is. Please help?"
ManFromGlass wrote: ↑Sun May 28, 2023 6:01 pm
Looking at it from another direction - my paranoia meter would raise a notch or two if I was asked questions about my gear by strangers. No argument here that it helps sort the issue, but, well, cautious, I am.
Heh! I am NOT suggesting peeps give a "Just 3 words" location and an inventory of the $20,000 of gear there! Just tell us what country you are in* and the make and model of the equipment that is actually connected..so, problems micc'ing up a guitar rig? Need to know guitar, amp, mic and interface and depending on the nature of the fault, e.g. a ground hum, whether active monitors are present in the 'loop'.
We would not need to know that the bod has a tasty $4000 synth if it is not connected to the setup.
*"Continent" is not really good enough. S America has a right old mish-mash e.g. and in places their "115" is sometimes 160 volts!
I suspect mine looks the same and my newest gear is at least 15 years old.
But, (and I know what the odds are on this one) -
My buddy in the studio down the hall was held up at gun point on his knees while his place was ransacked by thieves looking for money that wasn’t there. The thieves knew there was video surveillance and didn’t care to hide their faces. I don’t think they were ever caught. This is in Canada.
Technical Editor, Sound On Sound...
(But generally posting my own personal views and not necessarily those of SOS, the company or the magazine!)
In my world, things get less strange when I read the manual...
Re: Are you going to ask us about a recording problem?
ManFromGlass wrote: ↑Mon May 29, 2023 1:39 pm
I suspect mine looks the same and my newest gear is at least 15 years old.
But, (and I know what the odds are on this one) -
My buddy in the studio down the hall was held up at gun point on his knees while his place was ransacked by thieves looking for money that wasn’t there. The thieves knew there was video surveillance and didn’t care to hide their faces. I don’t think they were ever caught. This is in Canada.
SoS forum is the Agony Aunt for Audio Tech with the problems mentioned by new posters sounding as a couple that don't get one another
SoS forumees end up being Mystic Meg in trying sort issues from new posters.
Guilty as charged!
I have done this on occassion and i ask myself why?
sometimes i get so nervous about asking a basic question i think i try to dress it up a little or be humorous.
It's a very fair observation from the OP as i am in awe as to the time and effort people on this forum invest in their answers.
I will do better
Getting Joe Public to follow any kind of guidance is very hard. Otherwise very intelligent people seem to be incapable of logical thought processing?
I have a rather strange (but bear with) analogy.
Many years ago I ran an air rifle field target competition at a range a few miles out of town. For certain reasons the shooters had to leave their cars and trek some 150mtrs behind the smallbore butts. Thus they could not 'dash back' for anything. Things got so bad that I had to sent a post to every competitor and post it in the car park to effect..
Air bottle if relevant.
A pencil or pen (for score card)
Even so they STILL bummed pens and pellets off me!
Blokes were the worse. Even non-shooting spouses were far better organized!