Midinous is a sequencer with a little bit of a difference. It's a piece of software that generates MIDI data via little dots called 'travellers' that traverse paths between nodes on a grid, generating a note when they encounter a node.
You can place the nodes arbitrarily and set properties for them to determine things such as the MIDI channel, note, duration and velocity. Nodes also come in different types which influence how they route travellers forwards if there are multiple connections to that node. This results in things like random routing (the traveller will be sent down a random outward path), round-robin routing (the traveller will be sent down the paths one at a time in turn), chord-triggering (the traveller will be duplicated such that all the outbound paths have a traveller sent down them) and so on.
It's huge fun to play with and I found it strangely inspiring as well as relaxing. You can edit the various nodes and paths in realtime as the sequence is playing although there is a little bit of a knack to it.
It's easier to show than tell, so here's a little video I made of my first jam with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzn3xLOo6Ts
I'll certainly be doing more with it going forward; as a creative tool for unexpected inspiration it's hard to beat.
Midinous is only available through the Steam distribution platform unfortunately, but you don't need to be running the Steam client to launch it once installed.
- Eddy Deegan
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Posts: 9430 Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 12:00 am
Location: Brighton & Hove, UK
Re: Midinous
Very cool. Out of curiousity, how long did it take to come up with and programme that piece? Roughly.
- Drew Stephenson
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Ignore the post count, I have no idea what I'm doing...
Ignore the post count, I have no idea what I'm doing...
Re: Midinous
About 3 hours I think... give or take. Plus another hour overhead for selecting and extracting the vocal sample snippets from the old film. It was the first time I'd used Midinous though so some of that was pondering/head scratching/experimenting to get used to it a bit!
- Eddy Deegan
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Posts: 9430 Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2004 12:00 am
Location: Brighton & Hove, UK