Is the GISC still operating?
Is the GISC still operating?
There used to be a thing.. Guild of International Songwriters and Composers - based down in Cornwall somewhere from memory. Anybody out there know if it still going?
Adrian Manise
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...

Adrian Manise
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...

Re: Is the GISC still operating?
I have some sympathy with that attitude; I was aware of doing something similar recently when I professed my ignorance of, what was it, five mile cities or something despite the fact that it would have been fewer keystrokes to Google it. 
As AI becomes dominant we'll learn to cherish good old-fashioned human ignorance.

As AI becomes dominant we'll learn to cherish good old-fashioned human ignorance.
Re: Is the GISC still operating?
...hhhmmmm. So if I read that one one way you're implying I'm humanly ignorant - or another way you're sympathetic to my preferring to open up (polite) conversation rather than just sit in glorious isolation getting everything from Google. What a wonderful thing the English language is. I'd have never got that from a boring old Google search.
But if I've offended Mr Wonks by posting unnecessarily I'm truly sorry. No-one should assume they have open license on another persons time or sensibilities!
See - a human being (rather than an AI - I hasten to add for clarity) might have answered something like "Well, I believe they still operate - but perhaps not from Cornwall any more" - or something like that. And then that would have possibly led someone else to chip in with something like "No, no! Most likely not Cornwall - and I think the old Geezer that ran it might be no longer with us" - or some such polite discourse. But sadly, that didn't happen.
But if I've offended Mr Wonks by posting unnecessarily I'm truly sorry. No-one should assume they have open license on another persons time or sensibilities!
See - a human being (rather than an AI - I hasten to add for clarity) might have answered something like "Well, I believe they still operate - but perhaps not from Cornwall any more" - or something like that. And then that would have possibly led someone else to chip in with something like "No, no! Most likely not Cornwall - and I think the old Geezer that ran it might be no longer with us" - or some such polite discourse. But sadly, that didn't happen.
Adrian Manise
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...

Re: Is the GISC still operating?
Well, at least that's polite - and a good point. It was early in the morning and the coffee hadn't kicked in. Perhaps it should have been a compound question such as "Is the GISC still operating - and is anyone on this forum a member? How useful do you find it?". I suspect, alas, that now we'll never know. Quel dommage!
Adrian Manise
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...

Re: Is the GISC still operating?
Yes. That's the sort of short form dismissive response you can live, and work with. I don't think you're going to hear that from ChatGPT any time soon. Unless, of course, it's in reference to a query about free adult entertainment.
Adrian Manise
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...

Adrian Manise
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...
A name to strike fear into the hearts of A&R people everywhere...