

My initial impression is that it’s acoustically rather different: the right speaker sounds like it’s quieter (!) and perhaps less open and airy. Subjectively, I’m finding the left speaker more “fun” to listen to, but perhaps that’s just because it appears louder?
I’m not quite sure what’s going on/whether it’s desirable. Thoughts welcome! It may be that having the screen beneath the speaker is beneficial. Perhaps it sounds quieter/less bright because early reflections are no longer hitting the desk, and instead are being reflected past my ears and to the ceiling cloud. In which case you’d expect it to be more accurate … Conversely, it might be reflecting more into my ears! I've read that 6 degrees is the minimum (or required?) angle to minimise desk reflections, but this is more like 30-35 degrees. On the plus side, I can't see any of the right speaker reflected in the right screen, so perhaps it's ok?
I must confess I don’t really trust my ears (and my hearing is a bit different in my left and right ears), so thoughts on what would work best welcome – as are alternative ideas on how to mount the screens.
The other idea I’ve had is to raise the 40” screen perhaps c. 20cm, and then have the two 32” screens next to each other (or possible a single widescreen monitor) on the desk below it, at a similar or slightly shallower angle to how the right 32” is in the photos. Downside of this is it takes up a lot of the desk space, and means I can’t have my laptop in the centre (unless I leave a gap for it between the 2 screens) - so a bit like this:
Alternatively ...

* The top of the 40” screen is in the right place – i.e. level with my eyes, whether seated or standing. So the 2 x 32” screens above are too high, but get relatively limited use. By moving them to be angled under the speakers, they’re of course too low, and less central, and subject some glare from the ceiling lights; but there’s a fair bit more day light in the room, which is most welcome!
There's a bit more detail on the room/treatment here (photos/diagrams on page 3) https://www.soundonsound.com/forum/view ... 1&start=24